
Just in time for gifting purposes, O’Reilly Media delivers this new edition of the popular iPad:The Missing Manual. The timing’s ideal for non-holiday reasons too, as it’s only been a matter of months since the last major iOS 7 upgrade and release of new iPad models. As usual, this guide is an entirely useful companion, in paperback or even better via Kindle or iBooks. For those looking for a short version, the answer is yes–it’s worth buying for a loved one. Or yourself.


iPad - The Missing Manual

Turn your mom into a tablet ninja.

For the first time ever, I’m gently tapping through this review on the sleek glass surface of a new 64gb iPad Air with a rocket-fast A7 chip. An exclusive iPhone user for years, The Missing Manual has been essential reading in my getting intimate with this new tablet or, as I like to call it, my “comic book delivery device.”

As it were, 2013 also saw the release of the long-awaited Retina iPad Mini, which one can assume is inspiring innumerable consumers to choose an Apple tablet for the first time. In those cases, problems they might encounter include: Having little experience with iOS; Trying to replace their computer with an iPad (don’t do it!); not being tech savvy at all. The latter is a phrase I loathe, but what else better describes the “Facebook won’t let me do this or that” worrywarts who are always asking for us, the resident nerds, to help them post in their knitting groups?

Enter The Missing Manual.

Since 2000, the O’Reilly imprint has conquered the difficult task of communicating computing basics and essentials, and they’ve done it better than the For Dummies series (much respect to the helpers there, but it’s nice to not be insulted right in the title).






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Triple Shot With a Digital Chaser: UNITY #2, G.I. JOE #11, BRAIN BOY #0 plus CODE MONKEY SAVE WORLD #2 at FORCES OF GEEK

Christmas comes a little early this year with some amazing comics this week!

In fact, paring this list down to four was hard for the first time in a while.

The Valiant Universe crossover continues in Unity #2, our friend Fred Van Lente takes two spots with his last G.I. Joe #11 and an early adventure in Brain Boy #0.

On ComiXology, Code Monkey get pants and more in his origin, Code Monkey Save World #2

WRITER: Matt Kindt

ARTIST: Doug Braithwaite
Publication Date: December 11, 2013
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Valiant Comics
UPC: 85899200312300211
Buy it HERE

The struggle against X-O Manowar continues this week in the Valiant crossover Unity #2.

Toyo Harada’s first wave of infiltrators, a team of Harbingers was largely unsuccessful, and Ninjak got himself captured by the Visigoth and is now trapped in the Vine ship in Romania.

Does none of that make sense to you?

Don’t worry, with only two issues in, you can start from the beginning and get a sense of story.

Valiant, by design, is making their second wave of comics great jumping on points for new readers, and are attracting more with consistent five-star reviews for this Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) written crossover limited series.

In issue #2, Livewire, Eternal Warrior and Harada infiltrate the ship and tap into the virtual controls, in attempt to rescue Ninjak and save the planet from Aric’s invasion. 

The virtual reality fight scenes drawn by Doug Braithwaite ramp the action up to eleven, making for a true page turner.

I’m telling you, drop event comics from the big two and hop on Unity. Valiant is doing it right.

Explosive action with real consequences to characters you’ve just met makes for the best kind of comics.

Not sure quite yet? Wait for the reasonably priced trade in a few months.





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The Cosmic Treadmill Takes a Look at Monkeybrain's EDISON REX at FORCES OF GEEK

I like myself some Superman, heck, I even like Lex in a way.

When it comes to new superhero comics, I have a go-to theme that I like too, and that’s of the Superman gone bad vs. the world and the super villain gone good to stop him.

While that’s not exactly the case here, as seen in The Mighty or Irredeemable, but Chris Roberson and Dennis Culver’s Edison Rex (Monkeybrain comics) transforms the world’s most formidable super bad guy into the man who will save the world. It won’t be easy for him, and it also won’t be easy for him to shake his bad public perception as he puts on the hero hat. IDW Publishing has released the first volume of the digital first Monkeybrain comic, a great independent comics gift idea this season. 

When Valiant, Protector of Earth, is exposed to knowledge of why he is really here (aliens from a doomed planet sent his RNA here to conquer our race) by criminal genius Edison Rex, he chooses to kill himself instead of wait to be activated by his doomed planet’s signal. Fans of recent issues of Superior Spider-Man will catch this trope immediately, as Edison Rex makes an equally hard decision. No longer having to use his inveterate hate for Valiant, he decides to take up the mantle of superhero! Of course his loyal female sidekick M’Laizz has her eyes set on world domination still, and needs some convincing. Much like Strax the Sontaran from Doctor Who, M’Laizz does go along with the plan, no matter how helpful to the puny human race!

This comic is like rolling around naked in a million dollar bills on your bed, or a million comics (though you could probably guess my preference as to the best paper to roll on!). Roberson has tapped into and referenced so many comic stories from the Silver Age to now, and not just Superman, but Thor, Howard the Duck, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Bizarro Superman, Invincible, Fantastic Four, Fortress of Solitude, Cerebro, Superman robots, throw a little Grodd and The Venture Bros. and you have got just the first volume! Rao only knows what’s in store next! (Actually, the next six issues are available on ComiXology, Issue #12 drops on Wed. Dec. 4!)





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Cosmic Treadmill: 'GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE' (review) at FORCES OF GEEK

Marathoning shows, or binging, has become part of the parlance, and my most recent binge for television was the CW’s popular Arrow.

You might want to say the book was an influence on the series.

The story is written by Andy Diggle (Daredevil, The Losers) with art by Jock (Detective Comics) and serves as a great companion to the show—and great holiday gift for your Arrow fan.







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Who’s that “Bamf”-ing around?

Looks like Nighcrawler in a brand new X-Title, Amazing X-Men #1!

The Las Vegas casino compound is compromised by Firefly in G.I. Joe Cobra Files #8 before as the series winds down, and Jimmy Palmiotti returns to Daredevil and Misty Knight in Daredevil: Dark Nights #6.

Comixology Submit answers the age-old WWDD? question in What Would Dracula Do #1

WRITER: Jason Aaron
ART: Ed McGuinness
Publication Date: November 6, 2013
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Marvel Comics
UPC: 75960607957500111
Buy it HERE

I’m not gonna complain (erhm…again) about the number of X-Titles on the stand or come up with some fake number like “Including Wolverine and The X-Men that makes 3, 000,000 titles now”.

No sir, I won’t do it. Especially because the world rejoices this week with the return of Nightcrawler, who is in fact dead in the Marvel NOW! 616. 

I won’t complain because a combination of Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness makes my brain go crazy about the potential awesomeness. As you can tell, this review is going places!  

Nightcrawler leaves Heaven and is headed for the Jean Grey School, just as Firestar is having a rough first day getting acclimated as guest teacher!

I’m confused by a couple of things, like why are Logan and Storm flirting it up, which Angel is which and why Warbird and Northstar are in the best supporting actor positions but I am resolutely not complaining! 

Looks like I’ll need to be picking up this one while McGuinness is on art because his Classic X-Men look really heats up the place…like brimstone!


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Heavy hitters on comic stands this week, and I even forgot a copy of Saga on the shelf!

Neil Gaiman teams up with J.H. Williams III to return to Sandman after nearly 17 years, Andy Kubert tells the first New 52 Elseworld tale in Damian: Son of Batman #1 (spoiler, he doesn’t die!), Dean Hapiel and Mark Waid revive Red Circle’s The Fox. At ComiXology Submit, fend for Gold.

WRITER: Neil Gaiman
ART: J.H. Williams III
Publication Date: October 30, 2013
Price: $4.99
Publisher: DC Comics / Vertigo
UPC: 76194131030500111
Buy it HERE

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Sandman comics, Neil Gaiman announced his return to the character with Batwoman/Promethea artist J.H. Williams III. Any artist could draw the story, but William’s breakthrough page layouts, fascination with symbolism, painterly expressions and abstractions are perfect for the land of The Dreaming.

Cleverly, as a nod to his absence, Gaiman returns Morpheus to the book (first as a plant!) by noting that he has been gone for some time.

He returns to London to confront one of his creations, Corinthian who has broken Sandman’s rules of interacting with the waking world.

After dealing with Corinthian, Dream is called to another realm, and Williams carries him there on an 8 page fold out spiral dreamscape that is a spectacular publishing gimmick, but one that showcases the beautiful artwork and range of our artist.

Pacing and delivery of this world doesn’t of course lie on either the artist or writer exclusively. Gaiman’s return is yet another chapter to a masterwork, long thought closed. This book is not a coda, rather it is like tapping into The Dreaming for a familiar recurring dream in between wake and sleep, perhaps a nap taken on the same day you slept in really late.

This book is beautiful, amazing, accessible to new readers (a dream gateway!) and also full of familiar characters. Writing a review of a new classic is difficult, so please just take this one merely as a strong recommendation, especially for fans of J.H. William’s signature style.




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'DAREDEVIL: SEASON ONE' Gets A Turn on The Cosmic Treadmill at FORCES OF GEEK

Reboots, retellings and new number ones…we’re all familiar with how the world of fiction works these days, and the Man Without Fear is not immune to such trends.

Last year’s Season One initiative gave us a retelling of Matt Murdock’s origin, placing him in the modern day.

Daredevil readers lamented at the announcement last week that Mark Waid’s acclaimed and Eisner award winning run on the book would be ending at issue #38 in February. The confusing part is that Marvel is not outright saying Waid won’t be involved in the crimson crusader’s Marvel NOW! readjusting in the future, just that this volume is ending.

Daredevil Season One hardcover combines the Antony Johnston and Wellington Alves one shot origin with the first issue of Mark Waid’s run to give the world a great introduction to the first superhero Ben Affleck starred as on screen.

Daredevil has always been a favorite of mine, since the days of staring up at Mylar covered books on the wall in my comic shop (“$35! Who has that kind of money”).

The yellow and brown suit was unfamiliar to me, but I knew Matt Murdock by way of John Romita Jr. and Ann Nocenti. I knew of a legendary Frank Miller run in the past, and liked everything there was about the hero, Elektra and his rogue gallery.

Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz’ 1990 Daredevil: Love and War remains one of my favorites to this day.

I am one of those that quasi-stands up for 2003’s Daredevil film, a costumed superhero movie set in the Marvel Universe after the debut of an amazing X-Men movie but before our standards were raised by Iron Man in 2008.

Sure the film has it’s flaws but our new Batman stood out as an honest and strong Matt Murdock facing down the overacting of Colin Farrell as a scarred Bullseye.

Marvel chose the right creative teams to re-introduce this complex character in this Season One graphic novel, (also available digitally, for the curious and tablet ready). 

Writer Antony Johnston worked on a Shadowland Daredevil arc with Andy Diggle, and is well known for his acclaimed Wasteland series from Oni Press. Underexposed Marvel artist Wellington Alves (Nova, Anita Blake) draws in a dynamic and consistent Marvel house style, with great action and storytelling, and most importantly makes DD swing through the city while looking cool!
Johnston and Alves previously spent some time together in Daredevil’s Hell’s Kitchen for 2010’s Shadowland: Blood on the Streets mini-series starring Misty Knight,The Shroud, Silver Sable and Paladin.




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Triple Shot With a Digital Chaser: VENOM #42, MARVEL NOW WHAT?! #1, SAMURAI JACK #1 plus STRANGER #1 at FORCES OF GEEK

Two of our favorite Spider-Titles bite the web this week, and somehow Peter Parker isn’t around to brood about it!

Cullen Bunn wraps up his 28 issue run on Venom in Venom #42 the same week Miles Morales’ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man book is cancelled after 2 volumes and 13 years from Bendis’ brain.  Luckily, Marvel pokes fun at itself this week with a new version of What The-?! in the form of Marvel NOW What?! #1.

Jim Zub of Skullkickers writes the return of Cartoon Network’s Samurai Jack #1and over in ComiXology we see the start of a zombie invasion in Stranger #1. 

WRITER: Cullen Bunn
ART: Jorge Coelho
Publication Date: October 23, 2013
Price: $2.99
Publisher: Marvel Comics
UPC: 75960607565204211
Buy it HERE

There aren’t many series I’ve got in my collection that I’ve grown with since the first issue, have made it past the first year of publication and are subsequently cancelled before reaching a major milestone (50, 75, or 100 issues). 

I started with Venom when it was announced that Rick Remender was on the book, and I was there when Flash Thompson lost his legs in ASM #574. 

I liked Agent Venom as a character, Flash needing redemption and resolution with his home life. The symbiote had a new quality as well, being able to be controlled and molded into a super-soldier suit providing legs and power to the handicapped Flash.

When Bunn took over (first co-writing scripts with Remender), I almost dropped the book because I thought I was buying this to read Rick Remender stories. That wasn’t true, I genuinely liked Venom and Flash, could relate to the problems in his life and the geographical cure he seeks by moving to Philadelphia.

In Philly, his enemies tracked him down, and was as at risk and endangered as ever. 

In the last issue, his new symbiote sidekick is given a name, Mania. This neighbor’s daughter is now not only able to use the powers of Venom but has been cursed with a mark of Mephisto.

There’s plenty of action in this one, with a horde of demons and battle with Crossbones. 

Too bad to see this one go away, but Bunn teases that he’s “not quite done with symbiotes” in the letter column. Hopefully a Venom & Mania team-up book helmed by Mr. Bunn is in the works for Season 2 of Marvel NOW!


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As a scholar of all things G.I. Joe and a bit of a snob when it comes to what is or shouldn’t be considered canon by Joe fandom, I was surprised to see IDW Publishingsolicit a reprint of what many comic fans consider to be the darkest of years, the post-Larry Hama G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero (1982) Devil’s Due era. I’ve dismissed these books in many a longbox and skipped over some great original artwork from convention portfolio bins before asking myself if this book has what it takes to be my America’s elite fighting team. Hasbro itself disallows this run from being canon, but Devil’s Due owned the license from 2001—2008, so there are plenty of Yo Joe! Colas to be downed as the reprints trickle into stores. G.I. Joe Americas Elite Disavowed Vol. 01 hits shelves today.

We heard shortly before New York Comic Con this year that Fred Van Lente will be leaving the regular ongoing G.I. Joe book after issue #11, and that got us thinking about the franchise and who might take over. No rumors have circulated yet, but our vote would be for Nathan Edmondson ofThe Activity and Who is Jake Ellis?. This is all before Marvel announced snatching up Nathan for newPunisher and Black Widow books at Marvel NOW!

The Devil’s Due writer from 2001-2005 starts with company founder Josh Blaylock, and his Real American Hero run became known as an alternate universe named “Disavowed.” In the universe, another terrorist organization known as Red Shadows was introduced as a threat to the Joes and Flint’s compatriot Lady Jaye dies after 43 issues of the new Disavowed continuity.


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REX, ZOMBIE KILLER Takes a Walk on The Cosmic Treadmill AT FORCES OF GEEK

Can’t share in the joy that is the return of The Walking Dead to TV this season with your son or daughter?

Don’t worry, Rex, Zombie Killer has your undead all ages comics needs fulfilled!

Taking cues from We3, Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers as well as Kirkman’s zombie opus, Rob Anderson (Comics Experience) and Dafu Yu (Bluewater, Zenoscope) take zombie hunting to the woods with a small gang of animals that are led by Golden Retriever Rex and Gorilla Kenji.

Issue #1 (of 4) ships next week, October 30 from Big Dog Ink.

Rotters are crowding the landscape, and for the humans, communique with Washington has been cut off! Our heroes Rex and Kenji, the gorilla with a baseball bat are on a mission to find Rex’ human, a vet being held against her will in a fenced in science facility on the edge of a mountain in Nevada. The pets are in California, making the reverse liberation trek, following their noses and instincts!


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Parker gets fired in Superior Spider-Man (surprise, surprise), a team of atheists are charged with facing the occult in S.H.O.O.T. First #1 from Dark Horse, and the New 52 Origin of Two-Face has just begun in the Batman and… series.

Hang out with your boss Skullcrusher on Chiron Beta Prime with Greg Pak and JoCo with Code Monkey Save World, only available on ComiXology.

WRITER: Dan Slott
ART: Ryan Stegman
Publication Date: October 16, 2013
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Marvel Comics
UPC: 75960607912401911
Buy it HERE

Slott really jacks up the action and resolves more than one hanging plotline, referencing his Amazing Spider-Man run and looking forward to2099 in the latest issue of Superior Spider-Man.  Things are looking like they are coming to a head as Octavius finds himself unemployed and Horizon Labs takes to the sea. Spoiler warning for those that want to catch up in trade, as this issue resolved some major beats!

Michael O’Mara, Spider-Man of 2099 is in the present day as a result of Tiberius Stone mucking about in the Marvel timeline — a common theme this year that we’re hoping will continue as past and future versions of heroes mix with the current day.

Horizon Labs is rigged to explode and all future time will diminish if our Superior Spidey fails to solve an equation—an equation only Peter Parker knows how to formulate! Otto fudges it, saves the day but not Horizon, which is imploded and destroyed.

In the end here are the major points: Parker’s fired from Horizon, O’Mara is now stuck in 2013, Horizon is not allowed to re-open and someone very close to Spider-Man is now on the case of a connection between Superior Spidey and Doc Ock. Can the end be near? Where’s Peter? Gone forever?

The amazing and spectacular team of Ryan Stegman and the masterful Doctor Who time bending make this issue a BIG TIME deal. How long are we with Superior? I have a feeling the payoff and the buildup will continue to impress as Slott keeps us guessing and wanting more.




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Let’s pretend that we’re dead with another amazing Halloween issue, this time set in a place as dark as Riverdale with Afterlife with Archie #1, John Byrne expands on his Trio comic book Byrne-verse with a new superhero team in Triple Helix #1 and Brian Wood and Ming Doyle wrap up Mara in issue #6.

Over at ComiXology Submit, Template #1 uses the screen in effective ways to tell a futuristic scifi tale! 

WRITER: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
ART: Francesco Francavilla
Publication Date: October 9, 2013
Price: $2.99
Publisher: Archie Comics
UPC: 76281606624200131
Buy it HERE

Archie Comics, as a publisher is one of the most surprisingly progressive and forward thinking in the industry.

From the gay marriage of service man Kevin Keller to the diverging timeline tale of Archie The Married Life, the Riverdale kids are mature characters not being put to waste by cheeseburger gags (though, when done right are as charming as when you read these at the barber shop or salon as a kid). 

Zombies have been popular for about 5 minutes or so I guess, so why not make a new ongoing Archie series with a horror bent?

This is more Dark Shadows the movie remake than The Walking Dead, but finally Sabrina and Salem exist in a book where spellbinding seems plausible, the dark corners of the night are gloomy, and the night of the Halloween Dance gives everyone an excuse to be dressed in costumes.

Did we mention that powerhouse Triple Shot favorite Francesco Francavilla was spotted in a cemetery near the burger joint spotting blacks? The artwork here is incredible, and people will be talking about this book all winter!



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Cosmic Treadmill: A Look At JUPITER'S LEGACY Part 1 (Issues 1-3) at FORCES OF GEEK

The Authority’s Mark Millar and Frank Quitely have teamed up again to dissect the superhero genre as well as the American family and economy in Jupiter’s Legacy.

Issue #3 of the ten issue series drops on Wednesday, September 25 from Image Comics.

This edition of Cosmic Treadmill takes a look at the first act of Millar’s unusually lengthy mini-series that dips into the Golden Age of comics at the same time it looks at the present and how comic heroes might act under present conditions.

Back in April, I presented this review of issue one.

I wasn’t that thrilled with what the first issue of Jupiter’s Legacy had to offer, in fact I had some harsh criticisms about the introduction of Chloe and her drug overdose at the end of the issue. After reading some interviews with Mr. Millar and reading the next two issues, I still stand by what I said about this being a tough introduction to the storyline, but found more to enjoy from the story after reading issues #2 and #3. 

Before delving into the plot points and sophisticated deconstruction of the genre we’re shown in the book, let’s note the artwork. We all know Frank Quitely beautifully renders clothing and costumes in a realistic way, and in an expansion of his talents, Jupiter’s Legacy gives us a wide-screen view of some sophisticated scenery and fight scenes with effortless detail, complex backgrounds and even a bit of gore.

Pacing throughout the books, with Millar’s trademark huge beat cliffhangers at the end of issues #2 and #3 are spectacularly drawn pinups making you crave the next panels to move the story along.
Long haired anti-hero and son of Utopian Brandon Sampson looks eerily similar the artist as a young man, almost as much as his Dick Grayson likeness.

Great to see the artist in his work, all complimented by colorist, letterer and book designer Peter Doherty (2000 AD) on these pages for a soft tangible feel to the world, coupled with naturalistic tones on for the backgrounds.


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Shane W. Smith is an Australian independent comics creator with a successful sci-fi series The Lesser Evil under his belt. The sequel books Peaceful Tomorrows Vol. 1 & 2are now available on Amazon. Volume 2 was released just this week. Shane joins Earth Prime Time to tell us about the rich world he has created, with a galaxy at war and corrupt politicians pulling the strings.

DIGBOSTON: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us about The Lesser Evil and Peaceful Tomorrows. Care to tell new readers a bit about the world you’ve created?
SHANE W. SMITH: Thanks for having me here, Clay! Centuries of racial hate have kept a bitter conflict on the verge of engulfing the galaxy for as long as anyone can remember, even though the reasons for the hatred have long since ceased to matter.

Corrupt bureaucrats have been stoking the fires of fear and prejudice to strip their citizens of their rights.

That’s the macro story. The backdrop.

The story in my books, however, tends to focus a little more tightly on individual characters, attempting to navigate the moral pitfalls of a galaxy gripped by terror, and trying to carve out for themselves a place where they feel they belong.


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Bluewater Publishing picked up the rights to William F. Nolan’s cult scifi Logan’s Run comic books back in 2009, and since then has been pushing us to Last Day with a series of comics and collected trades.  This Cosmic Treadmill takes us forward to the ageist post-nuclear future society and the story of our runner Logan 6 and pairmate Jessica through a series of adventures to destroy the controlling mind of The Thinker.

Scifi fans should be encouraged to check out the extended universe of the Logan’s Run novel trilogy, 1976 film and short-lived 1977 television series.

The future world of Logan’s Run is rule based, appealing to gamers and nerds of all kinds.

You are required to turn yourself in to a Sleep Shop on your 21st birthday to be gassed for your Last Day. Runners fight the system by escaping the big sleep and the grasps of the Sandman. The Sandman is equipped with a gun to take down runners, with six different kinds of ammunition from the immobilizing Needler to the extreme pain on every nerve ending Homer. Logan starts as a Sandman before trading that in for a life on the run, the only way to survive past 21! Your age is reflected in the color of a gem, embedded in your hand.

It turns black on Last Day. 

The starting point for the Bluewater titles is Logan’s Run: Last Day.

The four issue series is the origin of Logan-6 on his Last Day, finally making the run for it. Quite literally on his way out, he meets his partner, or pairmate Jessica who fight their way to Sanctuary through a pack of Warriors-esque pre-teens on the Thinker’s side called Cubs and down to the depths of the sea to a pre-war Atlantis called Molly.

The beautiful artwork by Daniel Gete is reminiscent of the work of Kieron Gillen on Phonogram, making for a very nice read indeed. This story was written by Paul J. Salamoff (Discord, Vincent Price Presents) and ends on a cliffhanger.

The second trade, Logan’s Run: Aftermath is the direct sequel to this story. Though the art team changes multiple times over the course of the book, the story is still solid.

An advantage of these books is that series author William F. Nolan is involved with writing or co-writing many of the titles, including the one shot Logan’s Run Solo that features a future tale of an older nomad chased to the Wastelands by a current runner, only to be confronted by his own history! 


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Triple Shot With a Digital Chaser: THE JOKER #1, BIZARRO #1, ALL-NEW X-MEN #16 plus THE SIRE #1

Looming over cites such as Boston, New York and San Francisco is similar to the pain that is being brought down upon Metropolis, Gotham and Central City.

Yes, college kids are on a tear of rampant destruction similar to Villain’s Month at DC whereby the bad guys take over your favorite books, coffee shops and bars like they own the joint.

Taking a cue from Marvel, the DC Comics Point One issues of Batman and Superman are now property of The Joker #1 and Bizarro #1. Over at ComiXology Submit, The Sire #1 is trapped by his costume!

WRITER: Andy Kubert
ART: Andy Clarke
Publication Date: September 4, 2013
Price: $3.99
Publisher: DC Comics
UPC: 76194131806623121
Buy it HERE

We heard stories of DC messing up the print run of the lenticular (3D) covers for this, but the company made up for it in a way by releasing a plain paper cover as well, and if you are reading digitally, no skin off your face!

Speaking of faces, this Joker is conspicuously full-skinned, and ready to laugh all the way home!

Set a few years in the past, Andy Kubert flashes back to a young boy who’s sadistic Aunt Eunice takes bleach and scrub brush to the young Joker’s face as she beats the boy and barely feeds him.

He does grow up with a sense of humor though! A very sick one.

Joker adopts a baby gorilla and decides like many parents to right the wrongs of his own rearing. This comic takes a turn for the really bizarre and melds ideas of golden age cartooning and animals acting like people and dressed in clothes to a modern day deconstruction of the American family. Via the Joker and his pet!

Andy Clarke (2000AD, Detective Comics) has a fine line Brian-Bolland style suitable for the Clown Prince of Crime, tying in character designs from The Killing Joke and The Man Who Laughs.

Great stuff! And quite possibly the only Joker story in recent times where Batman is no where to be found!


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Art & Franco take a lighthearted all ages approach to Mike Mignola’s Dark Horse superhero and movie star Hellboy in Itty Bitty Hellboy #1, Chris Burnham curates a send-off to his team-up with Grant Morrison in Batman Incorporated Special #1, and Adventures of Superman #4 gives us some all star shorts in red shorts! Wash it down with a post-apocalyptic ComiXology Submit creator owned title Fighting Stranger Vol. #1.

WRITERS: Art Baltazar & Franco
ART: Art Baltazar
Publication Date: August 28, 2013
Price: $2.99
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
UPC: 76156823936200111
Buy it HERE

Aw, Yeah Hellboy!

You might recognize the team of Art & Franco from Tiny Titans at DC as well as the most recent Superman Family Adventures. 

Perhaps you’ve seen the DC Super-Pets on Cartoon Network.  The point is, Art & Franco have been doing kids or all ages comics for years and now they have broken away from DC to give the cute mischievous humor and art to the Hellboy Universe and the fun keeps on coming!

From our usual inside jokes, referring to running gags on the Aw Yeah Podcast to Lil’ kid versions of everyone from Johann the spirit, Liz and Hellboy this book is just pure fun. They face off against kid friendly Karl (with exclamation point on his head), Rasputin and Herman The Head in varying sizes of cardboard box forts.

The book is worth the price of admission for the Johann chicken soup gag alone. True Story!

WRITERS: Chris Burnham, Joe Keatinge, Nathan Fairburn, Mike Raicht, Dan DiDio
ART: Chris Burnham, Ethan Van Sciver, Emanuel Simeone, John Paul Leon, John Stanisci
Publication Date: August 28, 2013
Price: $4.99
Publisher: DC Comics
UPC: 76194131789200111
Buy it HERE

Chris Burnham was the artist chosen to work with Grant Morrison to close out the chapter of his Batman run known as Batman Incorporated.  Burnham filled in on issue #11, featuring Jiro and Canary, the Batman of Japan (Introduced in Batman Inc., Vol. 1 #1).   The first internationally franchised Batman character Jiro (also known as Mr. Unknown - too many names) is more Bruce Lee than Wayne and all of his adventures are fantastical weird sci-fi kung fu flick futurist tales of Tokyo.

Burnham introduces a new  organ harvester villain, Dr. Inside Out in this issue that has the best use of a capsule hotel as a story device I’ve ever seen. Let’s hope Burnham moves to the writer/artist part of the business because I think he is great at both.

This book is an anthology looking at various international Bat-Associates from El Gaucho, the somewhat controversial Night Runner, Squire, Raven Red and Man-Of Bats. You’ll never guess it, but when DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio writes a story about some wacko DC C-Lister (See OMAC, Wednesday Comic’s Metal Men), its quite good. DiDio and Ethan Van Sciver drive it home with a Bat-Cow backup that’s something to be seen to believed. Damian Wayne’s former pet, Bat-Cow, is absolutely the hero. And he has a cape. Bat-Cow wears a cape.





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Cosmic Treadmill: A Look at 'Classic Star Wars - A New Hope' at FORCES OF GEEK

I wonder if Jedi before me woke up with a light saber in their bed like I did today.

Of course mine is a Halloween prop from years ago, I dug it our to do a pose for a project I’m working on.

Also, to the chagrin of my girlfriend, when she isn’t staying over, her side of the bed is filled with comics, toys, guitar picks, my backpack and whatever else I decide to leave there. Right now it’s my well-deserved booty from Boston Comic Con, where I raided the $5 trade paperback bins to expand my collection of classic must read comics on the cheap. My favorite score from the Con?

Classic Star Wars: A New Hope by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin.

This six issue series are the first Star Wars comics to exist, written by former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Roy Thomas in an unusual deal for Lucasfilm.

The rights were offered for free to Marvel so long as the first two issues hit the stand to raise awareness of the movie. No one knew the comic or the movie would be successful of course!


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Cosmic Treadmill: 'MARBLE SEASON' by Gilbert Hernandez (review) - FORCES OF GEEK

Cosmic Treadmill: ‘MARBLE SEASON’ by Gilbert Hernandez (review)

The Cosmic Treadmill takes us back in time to those summer days of reading comics, collecting baseball cards and watching everyone grow up around you, even if it seemed as if you would never get older.

This year saw the release of Marble Season from Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets). 

As the summer starts to wind down and kids go back to school, what themes will resonate from this book to an all ages audience?

The book is not merely a nostalgic retread of Hernandez’ childhood, but rather an account of growing up, family and the livelihood of a neighborhood when kids still played outside.

Writer/Artist: Gilbert Hernandez
Price: $21.95
Publisher: Drawn and Quarterly
UPC: 9781770460867

Los Bros. Hernandez have been publishing Love and Rockets for over 30 years.  

Marble Season is an excursion to the past, referencing the dawn of Marvel Comics in the ‘60s,Adventures of Superman on TV with George Reeves and Topps narrative trading cards Mars Attacks.

Brothers Huey and Junior join in the reading fun and both share access to Junior’s box of comics—that is until Mom puts an embargo on comics for the both of them until Junior gets his grades up. Their younger brother, the toddler Chavo is too young to read, and prefers to tear the covers from the books. 

Around the neighborhood are a whole host of boys and girls of differing ages, playing marbles, stickball and even a It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World party.

Everyone seems to get along, except for when they don’t, which usually ends up in an honest to goodness old fashioned fight with little boy punches and slaps (remember those?). 

A tomboy swings her stickball bat, some bad kids move into the neighborhood briefly for the summer and the star football player decides he is more interested in cooking than playing ball.

The little vignettes of Huey walking around the neighborhood as time passes takes the concept of Billy in Family Circus running around the block and elegantly captures the sense of time passing in the summer, and the myriad of adventures one finds themselves experiencing. The story is told through the eyes of Huey and Junior but also with the gift of play and imagination. 


This week’s Triple Shot gives us the Batgirl of the future in Batman Beyond Unlmited, a buddy vampire comedy adventure in Blood Brothers and the Dreadnoks return in G.I. Joe Special Missions.

WRITER: Scott Peterson
ART: Annie Wu
Publication Date: July 17, 2013
Price: $3.99
Publisher: DC Comics
UPC: 76194130753401811
Buy it HERE

Terry McGuinness isn’t the only one suiting up in Neo-Gotham in the future.

In fact, the Bat-Family is extended to a Batgirl and even the original Metal Men. In the current status quo of theBatman Beyond Unlimited series, the police commissioner is none other than original Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, about the same age (probably a bit younger than, actually) as Batman’s mentor Bruce Wayne.

In the Crown Point section of Neo-Gotham, the water supply has been poisoned by a super-steroid.

Current Batgirl Nissa Gibson and Babs team up to take down the Roake Corporation who is spiking the punch. Lots of good action here in this one, as plain-clothed Babs teams up with the high schooler for some big punches and hand to hand combat teamwork. New Batgirl handles herself well, in cocky Batgirl fashion, almost getting herself into too much that she can handle and figuring it out in the end. 

The backup story stars The Metal Men, who have been on ice for decades, after the passing of Doc Will Magnus. Bruce Wayne reassigns them as agents of the Bat-Family, as Bruce, Terry and Nissa take on the Undercloud network. It’s great to see The Metal Men in action, a delightful and anachronistic surprise in this story set in the future.