Triple Shot Digital: 'WORLD WAR MOB' #1, 'VALHALLA CINDERMANE' #1 and 'THE SOLDIER' #1

Now that someone has an iPad, that someone (OK, its me!) is reading comics whenever, wherever and however he can! This Triple Shot takes us to more than one battlefield with Vito Delsante’s World War Mob and also to the Anglo-Zulu War in Guido Vrolix’ The Soldier. Don’t worry, we have aliens and huge axes wielded by a strong female hero in Valhalla Cindermane.

All of these books are submitted to the ComiXology platform via the creator-owned ComiXology Submit program, where independent creators can be discovered alongside the virtual shelves with mainstream books!

Writer: Vito Delsante
Artist: Giancarlo Caracuzzo
Price: $1.99
Imprint: New Paradigm Studios
Page Count: 22
Digital Release Date: January 29, 2014
Age Rating: 17+ Only
TWITTER: @incogvito

Issue #1 of Vito Delsante’s World War Mob hits the ComiXology store today. A quick review of the book in the platform’s new browser-friendly HTML 5 Beta reminds us what a great story we have here.

For fans of Band of Brothers and Goodfellas, this World War II story brings us from the collection rounds of gangsters on the Lower East Side to the front lines to the Battle of the Ardennes.

Capt. Vinny DiGreco is offered a secret mission while on leave in Sicily.

The circle of life as it where, even the Army owes Lucky Luciano a favor, so Vinny accepts a top secret mission, that will have affects on the outcome of the war!

Vito shared that no one in comics has touched on wiseguys joining the draft before, and we hope the concept catches on. Issue #1 is off to a great start, full of action, Nazi punching and also street level crime stuff happening in New York. 

Giancarlo’s art is great as well, he colors himself in watercolor washes. His line work reminiscent of great Sgt. Rock work by Joe Kubert. The realist illustration really helps set the tone and time setting. 

World War Mob takes comics back to classic storytelling, combining rather than mashing up genres to give the reader a one of a kind experience. This world can be built on in many different directions, and our hero in the first issue is one we can root for both as patriotic Americans and fans of organized crime stories. 


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KICKSTARTER KORNER: 'Phileas Reid Knows We Are Not Alone' with Scott Fogg

Sound that alarm kids and stop the Word-Presses!  
*Klanging noises *

We’re blowing that Fogg Horn today for our latest Kickstarter Korner to help out our new friend Scott Fogg with his all ages 60’s science family adventure bookeeking toward its campaign goal for December 1st.

Share the story, delight in its majesty, donate what you can but most importantly listen to what Scott has to say about Phileas Reid Knows We Are Not Alone  because he has insights into the future you cannot predict!

Forces of Geek!: Hi Scott! Thanks for joining us for our second Kickstarter Korner. We like to put the focus on some cool comics campaigns that might be ending soon with only a minimal amount of awesome alliteration! First off, tell us who you are and who else is working on Phileas Reid Knows We Are Not Alone? 

Scott Fogg: Thanks so much for having me! I’m Scott Fogg and I’m a writer based out of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Joining me on this project are Marc Thomas, Dean Trippeand Vito Delsante. 

Have you worked with any of these talented gentlemen before? Vito was the inspiration for our very first Kickstarter Korner! And the art is amazing. We saw the first pages today!

That’s really cool, I didn’t know about that. Sounds like we have a lot in common. Vito is really the one responsible for Phileas Reid existing in this form and medium. We met at Heroes Con and I was telling him about this story I was wrestling with. “I’m having trouble finding my narrative voice,” I said. “I know the story and I know how it looks, but I’m struggling with how to tell this story.”

“You can’t force it,” he said simply. “If it’s a visual story, you need to tell it visually. Make it a comic book.” I had originally thought of this story as a graphic novel but since I can’t draw and don’t have the money to pay an artist, I didn’t think it was possible. I was in the middle of my second draft of Phileas Reid: The Prose Novelwhen Vito assured me, “we can make it happen.”





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KICKSTARTER KORNER: Comic Book Edition Mark Texeira’s ‘A HERO’S DEATH’, Vito Delsante’s ‘STRAY’ and Mike Kennedy’s ‘SUPER EGO

The final hours and days of a comic’s Kickstarter campaign can be the most crucial, as was certainly the case with our own campaign for Robin Hood: Outlaw of the 21st Century.

In fact, that last day, reaching out for Twitter support was how the goal was reached in the end.

Here’s three campaigns needing some attention this Wednesday, consider backing them with your comic budget!

Mark Texeira’s A Hero’s Death, Vito Delsante’s Stray, and Mike Kennedy’s Super Ego can all use a swift kick!

Mark Texeira’s A Hero’s Death

We ran into Mark Texeira (Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher) this weekend and he had a blast telling us about his latest project, and his first Kickstarter! A Hero’s Death delves into the mystery of the death of a female hero 20 years ago and the consequences since. The hero is gone but not forgotten.

Mark is working with writer Ricardo Sanchez (Resident Evil, Legends of the Dark Knight) for a familiar but completely new to this world super hero book, with fully painted pages. Funding this book in the final days helps get the stretch goals unlocked and will also unlock a dream of master artist Mark Texeira — to have a book published outside of the Diamond ecosystem!




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Forces of Geek’s Cosmic Treadmill talks to writer Vito Delsante about hisupcoming projects, including the Kickstarter book Stray and next year’s gangster war storyWorld War Mob

The Stray campaign is in the final stretch, so check out the video there and see Vito and Sean’s amazing superhero comic concept and consider becoming a backer in these last days of the campaign!

Vito took some time out his busy schedule to discuss the Kickstarter, his upcoming work and his plans for conquering the comics industry in 2014.

FOG!: Vito - thanks so much for joining us today. And congrats on your Kickstarter reaching its goal! How has the comic book community reacted to Stray?

VD: That’s hard to say. I mean, it’s a creator owned book that’s not endorsed by Image Comics, so no one really knows about it. Those that do, however, seem to be behind it 100%. Maybe more.

The character designs are amazing; how did you hook up with Sean Izaakse for Stray?

I had been “watching” him on DeviantArt, this site for artists of all different disciplines, for a bit, and was a fan of his designs.  

Doberman & Rottweiler created by Vito Delsante and Sean Izaakse

Eventually, I commissioned him to do a character of mine, which ended up being for Project: Rooftop. And…we kept on talking.




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