ROBOCOP (2014 review) at FORCES OF GEEK


Produced by Marc Abraham, Eric Newman
Screenplay by Joshua Zetumer
Based on Characters Created by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner
Directed by José Padilha
Starring Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, 
Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earle Haley, 
Michael K. Williams, Jennifer Ehle, Jay Baruchel

While certainly not set in a desperate and dystopian Detroit of the future, the new Robocop movie is full of huge movie stars, video game action and a compelling storyline to take the franchise in a more modern direction.

Joel Kinnaman stars as cop Alex Murphy, and dons more than just a metal suit this time around to become a Robocop out for vengeance. Samuel L. Jackson is news anchor Pat Novak, Gary Oldman is Dr. Dennett Norton who brings Murphy back to life with his research funded by Omnicorp’s Raymond Sellars played brilliantly by Michael Keaton.



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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for February 12, 2014


 “I’d buy that for a dollar”!, that’s a dollar each for a story set in New Detroit for the new Robocop movie (which is actually pretty good). Joe Harris, Ed Brisson, Frank Barbiere and Michael Moreci take Murphy to the streets in Robocop: To Live and Die in Detroit. Your move, creep! … Another movie property worth checking out is Kick-Ass 3 #6 (of 8). Millar promises that this is the end of Dave and Hit-Girl’s adventures, so if you liked the movies, here is the end game as the meta superhero story curses its way to the end. … Think Tank #12 from Top Cow President Matt Hawkins closes out Season One before going into full color mode later this year. The science thriller uses real science and theoretical government weapons to at the very least make you paranoid and also makes your heart race with all the action! … Picks this week from!