black mask comics


Artist Darick Robertson of Transmetropolitan, The Boys, and Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker joins the punk rock Occupy Comics crew at Black Mask Studios for his talking-gun tale in Ballistic. This week also sees the deluxe hardcover release of Happy! from Image Comics, a hard-boiled Christmas story about an imaginary horse friend, written by Grant Morrison. Darick joins us today for the Mighty Q&A.



Clay N. Ferno: Hi Darick! We’re just though with reading Ballistic #3 from you and Adam Egypt Mortimer. As bonus fodder there are some script notes in the back about odd science and weird history. Are you at home working in this hyper-future? Butch and Spider might be related somehow, right?

Darick Robertson: Well, world building is something I’m familiar with, but Spider and Butch wouldn’t really exist together. Transmetropolitan is a future where the world we live in now just kept expanding and expanding, and we built upon and into what exists to maintain an ever-growing population and city life. Butch inhabits a world where it’s utopia by technology. The West as we know it is a crumbled, environmentally destroyed memory and the entire truly surviving civilization is inhabiting a continent born of bio-formed trash and manipulated DNA that rests upon terraformed rock, twice the size of Texas. Where Spider Jerusalem’s Government was ridiculous, it was still a government. Repo City State is run by a cabal of glorified gangsters.






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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for June 19, 2013


Do you want to believe that IDW can produce the faithful next season of X-Files? Jim Carroll (Basketball Diaries) once told me in real life that, “Scully is hot”, and he was right. Here’s to X-Files Season 10 #1. O.K., Mulder’s hot too. … New publisher Black Mask Comics run by Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) and Brett Gurewitz (guitarist-songwriter Bad Religion, owner Epitaph Records) unleashes two comics today, #OCCUPYCOMICS anthology issue 2 and a story about vigilante animal rescuers in Liberator #1. 30% off the proceeds go to animal rescue initiatives! … Read Harbinger #13 8-Bit Variant by the pool as Harbinger Wars continues in Summer of Valiant ‘13. … Picks this week from


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