Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. March 16, 2016





Nice guy and superman Huck faces his past enemies in the latest Huck #5 from Mark Millar and Raphael Albuquerque. Bendis and Maleev have taken on Daredevil and deconstructed Moon Knight, now the team gives us a different look at Tony Stark with International Iron Man #1. Is Doom really his friend? How will Mary Jane fit into Stark Industries? Where is Pepper? ,,, Damn, Obadiah! Archer and Armstrong are back at it again with a new #1. This buddy cop comic between what can best be described as a Morman and his 7,000 year old drunk buddy is always a good time in A+A #1. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.