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A Slacker Across Multiple Timelines - Back To The Future Day at Forces Of Geek

A Slacker Across Multiple Timelines

“What, did you sleep in your clothes again last night?”
— Dave McFly, 1985

As far as inspiring quotes, this doesn’t immediately go into the meme bank for everyone, but it’s something I can relate to. 

I sleep in my clothes, sort of more than I should. Perhaps it’s the late nights at my job or that I stay up so late I don’t want to ever go to bed. Recently, domestic life has steered me into the bed sans jeans more often than not, but hey, it still happens. 

Was I a ten year old looking up to Marty and subconsciously aping his sleep hygiene habits? Maybe I thought I’d have a hot girlfriend when I got to high school and I could take her to the lake like Marty did in a shiny new Toyota Hilux 4X4. 

Marty McFly was one of my first movie heroes. And damn, I loved that DeLorean. In fact, I still think about the plutonium and fusion powered, hover-converted bird-winged time machine nearly every day of my life. Here’s what I can remember of the movie and the car, in my sleep deprived old age. 

Let’s take this to 88 miles per hour! 

Have you ever been in a DeLorean? It’s pretty sweet but the backseat doesn’t exist. Fitting two adults and two kids into a two-seater is possible, if a bit uncomfortable. 

For most of my developmental and adult life, I cherished this ride as one of my fondest memories of the 1980s. Until, like when Marty wakes up under his Mom’s care in a dystopian 1985-A in BTTF Part II, everything is not exactly as Marty remembers it. First, everything in this future is a bit darker, and his Mom looks different. Under Biff’s influence, Lorraine Baines-McFly was enhanced, endowed with certain assets.