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ara Teaser Image by Ming Doyle

Ming Doyle is a Boston-based illustrator and comic book artist whose amazing Mara is now on sale from Image Comics (Issue #2 out today!). Writer Brian Wood (DMZ, Northlanders, Wolverine and the X-Men, Star Wars) pens the tale of a superstar athlete, Mara Prince, and the manifestations of her superpowers to the public eye. Ming is here with us to talk about Mara and her start in comics, that includes milestone contributions to Womanthology, Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four #600, and Marvel’s 2010 Girl Comics.


DIGBOSTON: Thanks for joining us to talk today, Ming. Boston has a great community of comic book artists and writers. Congratulations on the success of Mara. Issue #2 is out today. How has the reaction been to your work on this title since issue one came out last month?

MING DOYLE: Thanks so much, and I do agree that the Boston area is lucky enough to be home to a lot of talented people in the comic industry. It’s kind of a fun hidden perk for nerds in the know to discover whenever they go to local events like Comicazi’s Drink ‘n’ Draw or the Boston Comics Roundtable meetings, not to mention shows like MICE (the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo) and Boston Comic Con.

Overall, I think reaction to the story’s been positive! It’s my first miniseries and largest project in mainstream comics so far, but the story is only just beginning so there’s still lots to learn before it wraps up in issue #6.